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384 profile(s) found

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ID Name Species Class Family Logo
MA0505.2 Nr5A2 Mus musculus
Nuclear receptors with C4 zinc fingers FTZF1related(NR5A)
MA0505.3 Nr5A2 Mus musculus
Nuclear receptors with C4 zinc fingers FTZF1related(NR5A)
MA0506.2 Nrf1 Mus musculus
Basic leucine zipper factors (bZIP) Jun-related
MA0506.3 Nrf1 Mus musculus
MA0509.1 Rfx1 Mus musculus
Fork head/winged helix factors RFX-related factors
MA0512.1 Rxra Mus musculus
Nuclear receptors with C4 zinc fingers RXR-related receptors (NR2)
MA0512.2 Rxra Mus musculus
Nuclear receptors with C4 zinc fingers RXR-related receptors (NR2)
MA0514.1 Sox3 Mus musculus
High-mobility group (HMG) domain factors SOX-related factors
MA0514.2 Sox3 Mus musculus
High-mobility group (HMG) domain factors SOX-related factors
MA0514.3 Sox3 Mus musculus
High-mobility group (HMG) domain factors SOX-related factors
Showing 10 profiles of page 15 from 39 pages

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